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Friday, July 2, 2010

How to control anger effectively

One tip in being able to control your anger effectively is first, to identify and determine whether or not you are too angry. There are many who feel that anger is good. While there is partial truth in that it is good to have anger, it all boils down to whether if we can manage that anger. We should also learn to know when our anger is getting out of control.
There are a number of tests that can be used to measure the level of anger you are at. Many of such tests are psychological in nature, and many of them are simple basic common sense questions which you can ask and answer yourself quite easily. The tests can also determine how prone you are to becoming angry, and it can also determine how good you are at handling it.
In many cases, if you have problems controlling your anger, it can mean that there is a good chance that you are already aware of the fact that you may have an anger problem. You are just unable to control it when it hits you. If you find that you are doing things that are out of control most of the times, it may be necessary for you to seek help.
One should first note that there are many factors in why certain people have anger issues, while others do not. For example, the same scenario may affect one person badly while the exact same scenario would not affect another completely. Many of these factors could be genetic, while others could be psychological.
Some of these signs can often be seen from an early age, especially in children who are easily irritated. Another factor that causes anger is often our environment. From an early age, many of us are taught that certain emotions, such as depression and anxiety, are acceptable, while anger is not. Therefore, many of us will grow up not knowing how to deal with anger. The first step in dealing with anger is to figure out what makes you angry in the first place. It would be the most important step towards controlling your anger.
Those of us who have anger issues will typically have certain "triggers" or "stressors" in our environment that causes us to become angry. You could liken these elements to a cigarette lighter that is placed on a fuse. If you want to control your anger, you will first need to find out what these triggers are. It is obvious that if something makes you angry, you should stay away from it. However, there will be stressors in life that we cannot easily walk away from, such as those from our jobs or in personal relationships. In these cases, you will need another method of handling it.
Learning the correct way to control your anger is important, learning the correct way to demonstrate your anger is even more critical. Many of us have lost our jobs, relationships, opportunities and much more as we are unable to control our anger, or are unable to demonstrate our anger in the correct way. We should not learn to curb our anger as it can be healthy if we can use it to our advantage. We will gain much more if we learn how to use our anger correctly.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 ways to control your anger

We all experience anger at some stage in our lives. Maybe it's even a daily occurrence for you. Either way, you've searched for this article because you want to learn how to control your anger. The anger management techniques I'm going to share with you really do work! Like you, I'm an ordinary person who just wanted to get a handle on things and not feel angry all the time. I'm not a psychologist, I'm in fact a lawyer, and in my lifetime I've had many difficult life experiences that have generated varying degrees of anger. Now I'm focused on getting to my happy place, just like millions of my fellow human beings.
So here goes:
1. WALK AWAY: This is one of the most powerful anger management techniques, and it does work. I'd also recommend that before you walk away, you tell the other person/people that you need to leave the room to calm down and you will be back to discuss the matter calmly. In doing this, your departure is not abrupt and won't create a new cause of tension.
2. TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS: There must be a biological reason why this works, because it really does. In yoga and meditation, breathing is used to co-ordinate the flow of energy and create a feeling of calm. Also taking deep breaths allows you to take more oxygen in this stimulates brain activity. In other words, it helps you to think straight.
3. BE AWARE OF THE WAY YOU SPEAK: All too often when we have completed steps 1 & 2, we immediately negate the beneficial effects of those two steps by telling ourselves things like " I'm so LIVID!" or "I'm STUNNED at what s/he just said!". This type of language will keep us trapped in the web of anger. The internal language we use is so crucial in anger management, and if we deliberately choose words that are going to calm us down then the benefits will be enormous. Instead try saying "I'm proud that I left the room, because now I know things will start to calm down." Or you could try saying "This too will pass", while you take your deep breaths.
4. KNOW THAT ANGER IS A MASK: Anger does not stand alone as an emotion, and anger management techniques are only one part of the solution. Anger is often a mask for unexpressed or suppressed fear, hurt, unhappiness or pain. Ask yourself why the situation you're in has created the angry reaction? What pain are you hiding? Is there an unmet need that you are afraid to express for fear of rejection? Identify what has caused the anger and you will then be able to deal with the root of the issue.
5. SAY "THIS TOO WILL PASS": This is a powerful anger management technique and it allows you to get past the immediate anger and look forward to a happier future.
So there you have my 5 easy anger management techniques. I believe the purpose of life is to experience all of life, not to get stuck in one moment of it. We cannot pick only positive, fun experiences to have in our lives, we must take the rough with the smooth. So when the not-so-positive comes along, you'll be able to apply these 5 techniques and look forward to focussing on the good experiences. If you want to learn more about anger management then this powerful program may be just what you need!
I am Mumtaz Hussain and I believe passionately that every man, woman and child always deserves to feel fantastic about themselves.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests

The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.
The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group, said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo.
The study appears in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine.
The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.
"You don't need to be extreme" to be in the healthy category, Kvaavik said. "These behaviors add up, so together it's quite good. It should be possible for most people to manage to do it."
For example, one carrot, one apple and a glass of orange juice would suffice for the fruit and vegetable cutoffs in the study, Kvaavik said, noting that the amounts are pretty modest and less strict than many guidelines.
The U.S. government generally recommends at least 4 cups of fruits or vegetables daily for adults, depending on age and activity level; and about 2 1/2 hours of exercise weekly.
Study participants were 4,886 British adults aged 18 and older, or 44 years old on average. They were randomly selected from participants in a separate nationwide British health survey. Study subjects were asked about various lifestyle habits only once, a potential limitation, but Kvaavik said those habits tend to be fairly stable in adulthood.
Death certificates were checked for the next 20 years. The most common causes of death included heart disease and cancer, both related to unhealthy lifestyles.
Kvaavik said her results are applicable to other westernized nations including the United States.
June Stevens, a University of North Carolina public health researcher, said the results are in line with previous studies that examined the combined effects of health-related habits on longevity.
The findings don't mean that everyone who maintains a healthy lifestyle will live longer than those who don't, but it will increase the odds, Stevens said.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anti-Aging Creams and Basic Skin Care Secrets

When we grow older our skin begins to degenerate. This is due to factors such as your lifestyle, the free radicals in your environment, the natural aging process, toxins in the air and the loss of both collagen and elastin. The end result of all of these things is wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines that nobody likes. Fortunately there are some anti-aging creams, which are made from natural compounds and organic ingredients that will provide you with great results without any of the nasty side effects. There are also some very simple anti-aging skin care secrets that you should always bear in mind.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a very powerful anti-aging component, which is oftentimes referred to as "The Fountain of Youth." For this reason, some of the top skin care anti aging products are beginning to use it. Even ABC News has gotten in on this by producing a show entitled "The Village of Long Life: could Hyaluronic Acid be an Anti-Aging Remedy?" In this documentary Japanese people who included a large amount of vegetables and herbs in their daily diet were shown to have radiant, wrinkle-free skin well into their eighties. This is because Hyaluronic Acid absorbs the water within your body that supports the formation of the gel that keeps your healthy cell structures from becoming damaged.

The Importance Of A Healthy Diet

You also need to be careful what you eat. Unfortunately there are a lot of people today that eat anything that tastes good. This makes them overweight and speeds their skin's aging process and otherwise cause you to become unhealthy. While you may understand that this leads to the degeneration of your skin, what you may not know is that there are other types of foods that will help to regenerate your skin by increasing its collagen levels and thus making it look more radiant. For this reason, regardless of your age, you really need to look at the foods that you eat so that you will be able to avoid premature wrinkles. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat any of the foods that lead to degeneration but you should limit those foods and incorporate more of the regenerative foods into your diet.

Foods That Cause Degeneration

Some of the foods that will lead to the degeneration of your skin include:

· Additives

· Alcohol

· Aluminum

· Artificial Sweeteners

· Carbohydrates in large amounts

· Cheese

· Chips

· Chocolate

· Deep fried foods

· French fries

· Genetically modified foods

· Mercury in high amounts (oftentimes found in your food)

· Microwave food

· Milk

· Olestra

· Preserved meat

· Puffed grains

· Sugar

Foods That Lead To Regeneration

Some of the foods that will help your skin regenerate include:

· Aloe Vera

· Beans that have been soaked for eight hours

· Brown rice

· Coenzyme Q10

· Cold pressed oils

· Foods containing Omega 3 and fatty acids

· Green leafy vegetables

· Lentils

· Organic cottage cheese

· Pycnogenols

· Raw fruit

· Raw nuts

· Raw seeds

· Safflower

· Soaked grains

· Sprouted grains

· Vegetables

· Vitamin C

· Vitamin E

· Yogurt


Not only does honey have great medicinal value but it can also do a lot of great things for your skin. It is able to improve your blood circulation, which in turn will help to keep your skin beautiful by diminishing wrinkles. Honey can also rejuvenate your skin by creating a plumping effect that will improve upon the appearance of any wrinkles that you may already have.

There are a lot of great beauty recipes that will make it easy for you to be able to incorporate honey into your daily routine at home. One such recipe is as follows: Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of whole milk. Slightly warm this mixture up in your microwave. Once it is warm you will want to smooth into onto both your face and your eyes and allow it to sit there for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You will then want to splash some cold water on your face in order to close your pores.

Safe Cycling

A large number of accidents involving cyclists are due to heavy goods vehicles. This is usually down to the driver being unable to see cyclists due to blind spots in his mirrors. If the driver cannot see you, you are in danger, especially if he is turning left. The advice of the defensive cyclist is to stay well clear of heavy goods vehicles.

Do not stop next to one at the lights, either hold back behind it and allow it to go when the lights change. Dismount and use the path to get past the lorry,or go through the lights if it is safe to do so. The worst thing you can do is sit next to the driver's cab. He cannot see you, you are invisible to him. You need to devise a strategy for dealing with heavy goods vehicles and apply it all the time.

Forget the law. Following the laws of the road rigidly can put you at risk. Remember the laws of the road were created for cars not bikes. You need to use your own common sense when you are close to a heavy goods vehicle, and if this means breaking the law by running a red light then I would do it. If it guarantees my safety. If you feel uncomfortable next to a heavy goods vehicle, and all cyclists should certainly be wary around them, dismount and get onto the path until it has gone.

If you are approaching a stationary heavy goods vehicle at the traffic lights stop behind him. Under no circumstances ride at the side of him. The danger is when the lights change you will both set off together, then suddenly the heavy goods vehicle will turn left crushing you.

You need to be fully alert when cycling near these vehicles. You also need to apply common logic rather than blindly obeying laws that could put you in danger. If you are travelling in one of those inadequate cycling lanes here in England. Which is just a line drawn at the side of the road. Then undertaking buses or lorries, is putting you at great risk. You will hit their blind spots and could easily be knocked off. Never undertake a bus or lorry.

It may be more intimidating, but it can be safer to leave the bike lane and overtake the bus or lorry from the right. (Uk roads) Drivers expect to be overtaken from this side and are constantly checking their mirrors. Safe cycling is a matter of common sense and simple logic. Ignore laws if they are putting you in danger, stay alert in heavy traffic, use your eyes and ears and listen to your instinct. If you feel unsafe in a situation get off the bike and walk until you have passed the source of the problem.

The History of STD Treatment

Alarmed by the thought of taking an STD test? Just be thankful you aren't going to experience the mercury treatment! Learn more with this brief history of STD treatment.

For as long as human beings have existed, they've had to deal with Sexually Transmitted Diseases, or STDs. Nowadays, we are fortunate that many of the most common STDs are easily treatable, contraception is reliable, and that diagnosis has become very accurate. But back in the day, when there was no reliable STD test for most diseases and even less chance of getting an effective preventative or a cure, catching an STD could be a very serious business indeed...

Old Remedies

Like many diseases, STDs were not well understood in the era before modern medicine, and were subject to a huge amount of superstition and misunderstanding. You could forget getting a definitive STD test from a doctor - with many diseases sharing similar symptoms, accurate diagnosis was almost impossible before blood tests were perfected. One disease was likely to be mistaken for another, and if you were carrying an STD but were not displaying any symptoms, you had absolutely no way of finding out.

Even worse than the lack of a reliable method of diagnosis were the dubious 'cures' that were on offer - most of the old remedies were truly eyewatering. Mercury was the common treatment for syphilis, though whether it did anything other than make the sufferer chronically ill is open to debate! Silver nitrate and arsenic have also been used in the past to treat various STDs, and if your infection resulted in sores, lesions, or blisters, then it got even worse - you were liable to have them cut or burnt away by the doctor who treated you.

Modern Treatment

Thankfully, things have come a long way since the old days of STD treatment. The arrival of antibiotics changed the face of medicine, and offered a simple and effective treatment for many of the most common STDs, such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia. Even the diseases that remain incurable, such as Hepatitis C and genital herpes, can be carefully managed so that those who are infected with them can continue to live normal lives.

Matching advances in treatment have been improvements in diagnosis. Anyone can now undergo an accurate STD test to determine whether or not they have been infected. A simple blood or urine sample can be tested for a wide range of STDs, and the tests are extremely accurate. Gone are the days when one STD would be mistaken for another, or when a symptomless STD would go undetected by a doctor. Nowadays, if you go for a test, you'll get an accurate result.

Of course, modern times have led to vast improvements in treatment, but they have also brought with them a host of new challenges. The recent appearance of HIV and AIDS, and the rise of drug resistant strains of STDs are a great danger to sexual health around the world. In the developing world, where medical standards are not so high, STDs continue to pose a significant danger to the majority of the population. But whatever the problems modern healthcare workers face, when it comes to STDs, we've come a long way since mercury treatment!

Tim Leach is part of USALabTesting that provide confidential, online STD testing. With over 2,000 clinics across the USA and a large range of STD Tests available, getting peace of mind is discreet, easy and painless.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 Exercise Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Very often I feel many of us are living a life which is similar to the animals that we see in the zoo, inside a cage. The reason for this is because, even though our body is perfectly structured for running across Africa, we often make ourselves very lazy by not even moving from our bed to our dinner table or to the door or back to the bed from the working room.

The days have changed. Gone are the days when men were jogging at least 20 miles everyday and women at least 10 miles in the united states, today, we are all just fixed to our chairs because of the day to day work pressure and tensions and because of all these, we have very little time to do any form of exercise to lose weight.

Several doctors and researchers have indicated that obesity has made people lose interest in doing exercise, but you must keep in mind that exercise is the main thing in losing weight. Exercise need not be going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. It might be as simple as just getting out of your chair and moving around.

Although moving around might seem like pretty simple, I don't mean that one or two rounds in your backyard will help you lose the calories that you gained by eating a dose of donuts. Just doing exercise doesn't mean that you will lose weight, in addition to exercise you need to look after your diet which is as important as its counterpart in helping you achieve your weight loss goal.

However, you should know that if you do good exercise but don't follow a healthy diet, you will nullify yourself from losing any weight. But never mind, it's not something you should be worrying about if you follow a strict exercise regimen. You need to know that the more regular you are in doing your exercises, the more easier it becomes to lose weight or at least maintain your current weight. So, ready to learn 4 tips to make sure you get the right kind of exercise that you need to achieve your weight loss goals?

Let's get started...

Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep (normally 6-8 hours should be enough):

A lot of talk has been going on about how many hours should one sleep to get enough out of his body. But the truth is it depends on your working life style. But in general, you should have a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep to be at your best in the day. Did you know that people who are tired, consume more food and as a result they gain weight. The reason they are tired in the first place is lack of adequate sleep. So, make sure you get a good night's sleep.

Tip #2: Get up and start moving around:

Don't sit at a single place for a long time. This will make you lazy and also overweight. Whenever you feel bored with the work that you are doing, just don't sit there and do some nonsense, instead, get up and start walking around so that your legs get some exercise and some rest to your mind as well.

Tip #3: Treadmill - Your Ultimate Friend:

There are times when everyone feels lazy. I totally agree with you on this. Even I feel lazy sometimes for some reason that I can't just explain. I guess even you can't explain why isn't it? we simply feel lazy that's it. One instance may be that you may not feel like going out for walk or you might have to watch your favorite television show at the time you want to walk or some reason... This is where treadmill comes in to play. Treadmill can be considered as your best friend as it allows you to do exercise without going out.

Tip #4: Clinch Your time...

I know that you have very less time to exercise. But leaving all your excuses behind, you have to somehow include exercise in your daily schedule. Do as long as your body likes doing it without interfering your work or family life of course.

Whenever you feel like skipping exercise, just remind yourself that doing exercise has many benefits, one of which is preventing health hazards by preventing getting overweight. Think of good health as an invaluable present that you can give to your family and yourself.